Ant's Birthday Cake

Mmmmm, How delicious does that cake look? Trust me it does taste delicious too.


This is my Boyfriend's birthday cake, it took me about 4 hours to make and decorate. But it was worth it because he loved it and so did everyone else.
I definitely cheated when it came to making this cake. I wanted to make him a cake I knew he was going to love. He loves chocolate fudge cake, so I thought this is similar so I'll give it a try. This cake is a Betty Crocker Devil's Food cake mix. It can be bought from any super market and only requires 3 ingredients to make the cake.

To make Ant's cake I wanted four layers so I bought two boxes of cake mix and followed the instructions on the box to make them. I them cut the cakes in half and waited for them to completely cool. My future sister-in-law makes the best buttercream icing I have ever tasted in my life so I asked for a helping hand on that. She mixed icing sugar and butter together with a splash of milk to create the icing from heaven.  I layered each cake on top of the other with icing in the middle until I reached the top, then I used the left over icing to cover the top.

The decorations on the top are sprinkles I bought from Asda. I used individual chocolate covered balls to write on the top, using a knife and icing I selected each chocolate ball and placed it on the cake. This is what took most part of an hour to do but it was worth it. The sprinkles around the edge are just milk chocolate and white chocolate sprinkles mixed together and sprinkled on.

The cake has been demolished by everyone and has been enjoyed by all. Ant and I have had three bowls full and paired it with Squirty cream. I have kept the cake in the fridge to keep it fresh but also because I believe that the cake tastes
better when it is cold than when it is hot.

Have you ever made the cake before?

Thank you x


  1. Wish I hadn't clicked into this post purely because now I realllyyyy want some cake! Hope your boyfriend had a great birthday!- x

    1. Haha it was an amazing cake!! He did thank you x


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