Valentine’s day 2016

Valentine’s day 2016

Now I know most of you are going to look at eh date and either thing I’m weird or I have gone mad. But I want to write up what happened last valentine’s day so I don’t forget it when it comes to this one.  

February 13th 2016. We got into his dad’s car and started on our journey. I can’t remember where we were going only that it wasn’t the direction we were travelling in. we chatted in the car while his dad drove and then his dad slipped out with ‘It’s definitely Darby isn’t it’. Well that gave away where we were going but not what we were going to be doing there. So, all he said was ‘I’m taking you shopping first’. When we pulled in into Darby and took our bags out the boot I was so confused. I packed a bag to stay overnight somewhere anyway. So, after we said goodbye to his dad we walked towards the town. He then walked into a hotel and went to check in. I was so surprised I has no idea what to do. I just stood there. We weren’t allowed to check in for another two hours so we left our bags there and went shopping. Brought some snacks, got lost and just looked around. When we finally checked in and went up to our room I was blown away, it was beautiful and the view incredible I could see for miles.  We sat down and chilled out, until we got hungry and ordered some food. When the food arrived, he told me to wait in the bathroom until I could come out. I think I was in there for about 20 minutes. When I came out though it was beautiful.  He had laid out a red table cloth and covered it in petals and heart shaped sequins on the desk.  He put rose petals on the bed and put dinner out on plastics plates with heart shaped napkins. He also lit candles and poured us both a drink. It was the most romantic evening I have ever experienced.
The next day when we got back to his house he told me to go upstairs and wait there until I could come down. Again. I knew It was another surprise. When I got called down he handed me a little hand written note with a clue of where to look for something. I had to look in cupboards, in the microwave and the fridge. I found little gifts like, mascara, lipstick, and eye liner. I was so happy I could cry. And then he gave me one note where I had to look under the stairs. And under there was this basket filled with all sorts. There were chocolates, and lollipops, a pen set and a key ring and my favorite gift of all time a teddy bear. My Charlie (yes, I named it). I gave it the name Charlie because we couldn’t decide if it was a boy or a girl so we gave it a universal name J

So, Valentine’s day 2015, was my first valentines with someone at the age of 19. But it was one of the most memorable and amazing nights of my life. 


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