Autumn Look Book

When it comes to Autumn all those in the U.K. will know that dressing appropriately is not easy. You need to style an outfit based on leaving the house in the North Pole and returning in the Bahamas. Our weather is beyond unpredictable, even the weather guy/girl on the TV can't get it right when we're in the transitional period.

So I am going to put a list together of some of the Autumnal outfits that inspire me and that I would love to wear.

Firstly, you can't go anywhere without a coat, my favourite at the moment is this Anorak from New Look. It's waterproof which is a bonus because you never know when it is going to rain or be sunny. But also the size of the pockets are perfect, it is big enough to hold a phone and a power bank if needed.

Next is Jumpers, you have to make sure you have a good jumper that makes a statement in your wardrobe, something that will make the outfit special as that's what going to be on the show the most. I have chosen three that I like. The first is unusual for the autumn time as the colours are just not what you expect but I think it brings spring back into autumn and it just makes such a bold statement that you can't help but have it. It's this Jumper from Asos (Missguided), I can't get over how pretty it is. Next is this Embellished Jumper from New Look, it's such a simple jumper but with all the little details on it, they just make it a bold piece. Lastly, I don't think you can go wrong when it comes to a cable knit jumper but this Cable Knit Jumper from Asos is different from the norm. The pattern, in my eyes, looks like barbed wire and not like the ordinary plaited effect. Which just made me fall in love with it.

When it comes to shoes other than your wellies and snow boots and those who can get Timberland boots. I think that when it comes to this transitional period you can't go wrong with Chelsea boots and these Chelsea Boot's from New Look are just amazing. They are an online exclusive but I think they are the perfect height up the ankle to wear with jeans, tights or trousers. They are also such a cute grey that I find can go with pretty much any other colour you want to pair them with.

I thought to go with all the new clothes you're bound to buy ready for the cold weather, you will need a new bag to go with everything. So I've found three completely different bags when it comes to size, shape and style but all three as functional and stylish as the other. The first is this Black Handbag from Asos, it's a beautiful and simple bag with rose gold detailing. It's a decent size and I feel like it would be perfect to take shopping and to just use daily. The second bag is this Blue Side Bag from New Look, it is an adorable bag, with amazing details on the side and two ways to carry it. I think it is perfect when it comes to evenings out or for someone who doesn't have to carry much. On the other hand, this next bag is for people who love a good back pack. It's huge and has a separate storage compartment to fit a laptop so could also be perfect for students. The bag I've linked is this Adidas Back Pack from JD, now I do have this bag but mine is a different colour scheme but same shape. Mine is pink with green leaves and multi-coloured flowers all over it. I love the size of it as it allows me to carry everything in it I could possibly need as well as extras.

When it comes to the accessories mine have never really matched. I've always had black hats or red hats and a white scarf and blue gloves and to be honest it doesn't really matter. But I found this hat on New Look as well as loads of other cute hats and I thought I might as well put in here because sometimes people actually do forget about the accessories. I really like this  Color Block Bobble Hat from New Look, it's really pretty and would sort of go with the jumper from Missguided. But if you are looking for a nice bobble hat check out what new look has got to offer because they have some beauties from what I saw.

Lastly, we get on to Pajamas, I know this is a look book and it's ideas about what you could wear outside. But when it comes to this time of the year, having comfy PJs are a must have in my eyes. I've got three pairs of PJs here, each one is different from the other but it all depends on what you like. The first pair is these  Floral print Pajamas from George, they are super cute and all PJs from Asda are a good quality of material and soft to touch. These will keep you cosy. The second pair is for if you like to be out going and stylish while you sleep. This Shirt and Trousers Pajama set from Asos is the queen of all PJs, they are sophisticated and stylish but also look super comfortable.  And this last set has won me over when it comes to PJs, they are long sleeved but shorts as bottoms, so you don't have to worry about your legs getting too hot or even how the satin feels on your legs after you have shaved. I love them. It's this Pink Satin Pajama Set from New Look. Niomi Smart featured them in a recent video of hers.
Finally, you can't have a cosy autumn/ winter without a dressing gown to snuggle down into at the end of a long day and I just think this Fluffy Dressing Gown from Asos, is the most perfect way to do that.

What do you think it's the most essential thing to have when it comes to Autumn/ Winter time? What's your favourite colour to wear this time of the year?

Let me know
Thank you x


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