Excited for Autumn
Hi guys,
I don't know about you but this has got to be one of my favourite times of the year. All of the changes in colours to the leaves, the dark nights and the opportunity to light candles and switch on fairy lights excites me.
I'm excited for all the things that autumn brings, the fact that I can now officially wear a jumper outside and not have to worry about being too warm. I'm excited by the fact I can pull out my old scarf, that holds so many memories, and wear it again.
I can't wait to have pampered nights in with my fluffy dressing gown on and a face mask with candles lit giving such a cosy atmosphere.
I also can not wait for bonfire night. It has got to be one of my favourite nights of every year. Chilling with my family around a campfire, playing with sparklers and watching all the fireworks being set off everywhere. I love fireworks so much that it upsets me if I can hear them going off around my house when I am in bed, but I can't see them.
I love this time of the year because of all the nights in you have, snuggled up with someone and watching movies with popcorn. I know that this can be done any time of the year but to me, it just feels better in the Autumn/Winter time.
Another thing that this time of the year brings that makes me so happy is that first Coca-Cola advert, because as soon as you see that, then you know it is Christmas. That's a whole other love of mine and a whole other post worth of information.
Let me know what you love about Autumn the most?
Thank you x
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