November Birchbox

Hi guys,

This month's Birchbox was specially put together by the people of Vogue and honestly I think this is my favourite box yet. 4 out of 5 ain't bad. I love everything except the James Read face fake tan, and that is only because I don't fake tan. If I did I'm sure I would have loved everything.

Birchbox Brush Cleaner
I love the fact that everyone got one of these. Cleaning brushes is a chore on it's own and I can't afford to buy the fancy boards and all other sorts of brush cleaners to help out. So, I normally use baby shampoo and my fingers. But now that I have this I know cleaning my brushes out is going to be a lot less times saving and a lot more fun.

James Read Overnight Tan Sleep Mask
Now as I said I don't fake tan and I don't know anyone who does. So this product will go in the draw of products that I will never use. But if I did fake tan, I think this would be a huge help as it would allow my face to look the same colour as the rest of me without having to use loads of bronzer or foundation to have the same effect. I think it will be very useful for someone who will use it.

Seche Vite Clear Top Coat
I used to love doing my nails but stopped when my top coat ran out and my nails were chipping too easy. I have always known this has been a great top coat as it is favored with most Instagram Nail artists everywhere. And I can agree, it really is amazing and can hold a colour for a week easy.

Percy & Reed Smoothed, Sealed & Sensational Volumising No Oil, Oil
I got this oil for fine hair, although my hair is more thick than fine. I know that there is the option for you to buy this oil for both fine hair or thick hair on the Percy and Reed website. I have used the oil and found it to work quite well. My hair falls flat quite a lot the second day after washing it and I normally use volumising dry shampoo to give it a lift. But putting this in my hair once it has just been washed helps it to stay voluminous for the day after too.

Benefit Hoola Bronzer
I know that this bronzer is favored by everyone, everywhere, all over the world, but I couldn't bring myself to spend £12 on the little travel one for it not to look good on my skin. I've only just got in to using bronzer about 6 months ago and still struggle trying to get the perfect amount and the right colour. I hoped this would help. It was just enough for me to try it out for a few days and to see if it was worth it for me.  And I'd like to say it was. The colour is perfect and I put it on using the brush I got free a few Birchboxes ago. It blends beautifully and looks very subtle on my pale face.

Overall I feel this box was worth it this month and I'm excited to see what the December box brings with the festive season. I think a lovely highlighter would be perfect for the December box. What do you think?

What was your favourite thing in your box this month?

Thank you for reading x


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