Winter Wins

Hi Everyone,

As much as I love Autumn and the transition between the warm to the windy. There's nothing I love more than the winter. I love the cold just as much as I hate it. But I love wrapping up warm and getting toasty, I love the fact that cuddling is so much easier because you don't get too hot. I love that everywhere is getting into the festive spirit and you can see something to do with Christmas everywhere now, now that Halloween and Bonfire Night are gone.

This post is called Winter Wins because, in my opinion, it does win. Everything that comes with winter just makes it perfect. With Winter comes Christmas maybe the most important thing ever. Along with Christmas comes Santa and Grotto's, I cannot wait to see my niece's face when she sees him for the first time. It is going to be magical for her.

Winter wins because of the possibility of snow every year. Last year we didn't have much compared to when I was a child but I hope for it every year and if there isn't any this year then I know where there is fake snow that I can enjoy. Winter also wins because of all the decorations that are available everywhere, all the shops are all lit up and glittery. And there's always the possibility to make your own and decorate everywhere in the house.

Winter wins for one of the main reasons for all the food. Every supermarket is full of sweets, and biscuits and chocolates. But as well as the sweet treats there is always the delicious savoury treats as well. For me, cheese and crackers is a lovely winter nibble for me because my mom always brings them out after our Christmas dinner and on New Years Day. So, they have just stuck as a Christmas thing for me.

I just love everything winter brings and can't wait for everything this year.

What's your favourite thing in winter?

Thank you x


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