D.I.Y Wrapping Paper

Blogmas Day 19:

Wrapping presents is so much fun when you have simple shapes like boxes, it gets complicated when you have teddy bears or tins. But no matter what I always find a way, even if it means having Sellotape covering the whole gift at least it is wrapped.

I am going to show you how I wrap some presents with wrapping paper I have designed myself. I normally do these for smaller presents and trying to wrap a something huge in wrapping paper you have designed yourself makes it difficult because you need a lot of paper. I like to use plain paper like the brown paper or anything without a print. And then use paint and sharpies to decorate them. I like to draw hollies and snowflakes for smaller designs for small presents. But for those larger presents when I need a large print I use stamps or shapes cut out of potatoes to print them onto the paper.

I have only done three with my own designs this year because I decided that was enough as Ant only has 5 presents from me. I didn't want to decorate all 5 with pens, but I did go overboard with the decorating because he is worth it. 

Read back to Blogmas day 3 to see how I wrap my presents using ribbon and gift tags.

Have you wrapped your presents yet?

Thank you x 


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