
Blogmas Day 24:

Hey Guys,

My family have certain traditions that I cannot help but adore at the festive time of year.
We always decorate the tree and house together, and place a special bauble for my granddad. We will never forget him.

We always must wait until half of December has passed before we can open the tins of chocolates.

We always spend Christmas eve together watching a movie or TV with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and biscuits. Just being together and talking through our excitement is amazing.

We must wait Christmas morning for everyone to drink a cup of tea before we can open our presents.

We always sit around the table for Christmas dinner and pull the crackers and laugh at the silly jokes and wear the hats that are always too big for all of us.

But this year is going to be different. This year I am living with my boyfriend and some traditions are going to change. This year my boyfriend wants to have Christmas dinner together at his. So, I’m going to have to change that tradition slightly, to doing it every other year. Or when I finally get my own place have everyone together in one place.  

Christmas Eve Tradition is staying the same, I will be driving over there on the afternoon to spend the time with my mom and driving over Christmas morning to have that cup of tea and open our presents together.

I can’t wait until I have my own children to be able to do these traditions with my own little family as well as my whole family. I can’t wait to see their face on their first Christmas and how they react to all the lights and music.

I love having traditions and I also love when they can adapt to new things that can happen.

Do you have any Traditions?

Thank you x


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