What I got for Christmas!
Hey everyone,
I am in no way bragging about what I got for Christmas because I would never do that. I am purely just showing how amazing my family are and how much of a lucky girl I am.
On Christmas day, I went to my moms to wish her a happy Christmas and to give her, her gifts and everyone in my family.
From my mom, I got a Ted Baker Gift set with makeup and brushes in. I got a set of pyjamas and a nightie which are absolutely adorable. I got a handmade Jewellery box which is so beautiful. I got a pair of Ted Baker earrings and a Necklace which has Ted Baker written on it. I got a bag of Heros, Nom. A beautiful Pandora Ring which went straight on my finger. I got a Babyliss Curling iron which I am beyond grateful for because I really needed one. I got a pair of Nike Trainers that are gorgeous. I got a Ted Baker bag, but I don't know what to use it for just yet. I know of want to keep it to look at it. I also got two penguin piggy banks which will come in very useful when it comes to saving ready for our holiday. Lastly, I got £50 from her. I am beyond grateful for everything I got and told her off for spending too much as well.
From my uncle, I got £100, which I am more than grateful for and tried to give it back to him but he insisted.
From my sister, I got Lip Butters, makeup brushes, personalised bag
From my brother, I got Ted Baker Lipstick and Nail polish set.
Once we had all given gifts and eaten some chocolate and drank some tea it was sadly time to leave and come back home to Ant's. His family were more than generous to me and I really am lucky.
From his mom and dad, we got a DSLR Camera, we had wanted one for a while so that's what we got and we are so excited to start using it.
From his Sister and her partner, we got a Penguin bed set and Flat sheet which will
From our niece, I got some Thorntons Fudge and a Romantic DVD
I can't believe how amazing and cute they all are.
I can't believe how much of a lucky girl I am and I am so grateful for everything.
What did you get nice this year?
Let me know in the comments below...
Thank you x
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